Hai! I'm Sofia123 and I decided to come and continue the blog. I started this blog around 2012, but took a break for the whole year of 2013. Anyways This blog will be about what I plan to do on chit chat city or what happened to me daily. I will try to be on every day and be active. So today I got reported 3x and I was really upset, but luckily I didn't get suspended. Ty Ty so much. If I do get suspended than...MY LIFE IS OVER. Jk no its not. I got reported because I made Cyanide and Happiness shop turtles. They were funny and got 20 sales each on first day! But a couple hours later, I got notifications saying that I was reported so blah blah. Then a Mod came and talked to me. I was freaking out because I thought he was gonna suspend me. Okay New topic. Schools Officially over for me! I'm actually happy because I get to go to a new school so I can get away from all the drama and fake friends. Last topic: My Shop! (The Two Empty Blocks in the front are where my Cyanide and Happiness avi's were) I have a shop that has flags, avatars, furniture, shop turtles. AND TFIOS MERCHANDISE! Thats it for now. Hope to see you tomorrow! So Long Fellahs.