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Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 10: May be final post of July...

Hey guys! Sofia here. So these past few days I've been really tired. I have another blog to take care of. So I'm just sticking to mostly CCC account. I have spanish lessons - 4 hours! Ikr.... Then I have swim practice for 2 hours. I'm being coached by someone from the Olympics! I was so tired. If you wanna know more about our vacation, there will definitely be posts there! See you guys in August!

Friday, July 11, 2014


HAI GUYS! So today I went on a boat trip and got to swim with jelly fish, whales, clownfish, and other fish. I got stung by a jelly fish! I saw dolphins and whales! I got seasick tho. My mom found poop on her pillow this morning and I was lighting so hard! Here are some pictures! 

Day 7: Pictures

HAI GUYS! So on the last couple of posts, I haven't really posted many pictures lately. So I'm gonna post some below. I don't have anything really to talk about today so here are some pictures! BTW All videos will go on the awk0_cousins youtube channel. It official! And also on the other blog that I share with my cousins and sisters, we posted different pictures.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 6: Day to Relax

HAI GUYS! So today is our last day in Montañita, Ecuador! Tomorr we are taking a bus back to Guayaquil. Then going to take a van to take us to Cuenca, Ecuador. Tomorrow will be a day full of driving! Ugh. So today we went to the pool and the beach. And my sisters got knocked out by the waves a couple times. Lml. I also made good friends with someone who I'm going to school with next year! And today my family and I were eating dinner at a restaurant and my dad, mom, my sister ale, and me were all using our iPods and phones. It's quiet. Then out of nowhere my sister, andrea leaps out of her chair drinking water as fast as she can. My mom is all mad like WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? My sister,Andrea  replies," I drank.." My mom yells," YOU DRANK WHAT?!" My sister says quietly,"I" I burst out laughing so hard. 😂👏 BAI GUYS! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 4: Daily vacation post

HAI GUYS! So sorry this post is late. It's actually day 5, but I will just tell you guys what happened yesterday. Okay? Okay. So yesterday we went to shacks which had handmade bracelets. I got one that is grey, orange, and white. It looks so sick. I don't have much to write because I forgot everything that happened yesterday. WAIT! I found someone on Instagram that was in my k-1 class from a private school. I never thought I would have ever met someone from like 8 years ago! Follow her on insta for me? princess.gia If she changes it sorry bout that. Mines is _scsxx Follow meh!! Bai now!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 3: Daily Vacation Post

HAI GUYS! So today we woke up and had breakfast. Then we ran across the beach. *cough cough* I won *explosion behind me* YASSS Then we headed to a mall. I forgot where.... So we came back and went to eat dinner. I had a chicken salad! Me and my sisters were doing cartwheels and handsprings across the beach. Now we are at the hotel and I just had some pretzels but I'm tired, so Ima just watch a couple Cameron Dallas Videos <3 <3 then go to bed. Here's a picture of today 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 1: Family Vacation!

HAI GUYS! THIS IS ME AND PLEASE, NO HATE. As most of you may know, this month will be all about me and my family vacation and blog will now 50% Chit Chat City and 50% me! So first we were in Boston. Then took a 3 hour flight to Miami. We had to wait 4 hours at Miami Airport because there were no earlier flights. Right now we are boarding the plane to Guayaquil, Ecuador! But something happened and we have to wait till a mechanic gets here... About a 30 minute delay. Here are some pictures so far! These are pictures of me and some with my sisters. Videos will be uploaded on the first week of August. Or possibly earlier. Hope you like the pictures. Uploading more later.
Im the one of the left! You finally get to see meh! After 4 years of blogging! Not my best picture but whatevah. 

Day 2: Family Vacation +20 Facts bout me

I'm so tired. Hi guys! Sofia here. Today me and my family are taking a bus to a resort which I forgot the name to.  It's 3 hour ride. I'm just listening to music. OMG My favorite spanish song is Adrenalina by Wisin. You should check it out! Some of my other favorites are Am I wrong, Hey brother, Sing, and Fancy. There's more but I'll tell you maybe later. Okay so since I'm on a bus doing nothing. I'm just say things about me. How about 20 things. I got 2 and half hours left anyways. 
1. My full name is Sofia Carolina Salazar.
2. I'm not short, I'm fun sized! I'm 4'11
3. Im listening to Adrenalina right now.
4. I'm from Puerto Rico and Ecuador.
5. I have to dogs that I miss right now.
6. I'm going to an Exam School next year!
7. I'm 12 turning 13.
8. My birthday is on October 5, 2001
9. I've been playing Chit Chat City for 4 years.
10. My favorite Youtube Channel is Pewdiepie.
11. I have 3 siblings
12. I have fake friends that I feel like slapping
13. I have real friends!
14. My top 5 lady friends are Joela, Jazmin, Chloe, Nora, and Eugenia.
15. My top guy friends are Sean, Ryan, Blair, and uhhh Max and Jackson I guess.
16. I wish I hadn't done this now.
17. I'm Spanish and if yah mess w/ me then watch
18. My favorite drink is water !_!
19. I'm 78 pounds. Ik Ik I'm fat. Lol 
20. I made a youtube channel with my cousins  awk0_cousins 

Okay! If you guys wanna know specific things about me. Email me and I'll reply on the blog and tag your email on the post. Here's a picture of me.

I know. I know. I'm turning you on. xD Jk Jk. This was an ugly picture. See yah later!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Keyboard Signs Tips PART 1

Heres a guide for some of keyboard tricks.
On the right part of keyboard is where numbers are.
You also wanna make sure number lock is OFF
Lets begin! Lets do easy ones first.

◘ - Alt 8
○ - Alt 9
♣ - Alt 5
♠ - Alt 6
☺ - Alt 1
☻ - Alt 2
♥ - Alt 3
◙ - Alt 0

Now lets do some difficult ones

§ - Alt 21 (Its a double S if you don't recognize)
↨ - Alt 23
► - Alt 16
‼ - Alt 19
£ - Alt 156
© - Alt 0169
ƒ - Alt 159
→ - Alt 26
☼ - Alt 15
♀ -Alt 12
↓ - Alt 25
œ - Alt 0156

Thats all for now guys! More coming soon!


Hai Guys!! So tomorrow I'm leaving to go to Ecuador. That's where I'm from including Puerto Rico! Anyways I decided to make this blog 50% about chit chat city and 50% about me. Ima post videos daily about my vacation! And when I arrive back, I'll post more about CCC. Since this blog will now have me in it....IMA POST SEFLIES AND YOU'LL SEE MEH! Starting tomorrow morning - I'll film our time at the airport and me in the plane! Me and my cousins also own this other website and youtube channel. awk0_cousins Mind checking it out. The videos will go on that youtube channel too, just ignore if we say awkward cousins or something like our before video. That's all for now! See yah tomorrow!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The "Single" Status - Getting on my last nerves

This goes for about 50% of the girls on CCC. In this picture you see single as their status. You can probably see like 3. There was more in Burgs, but I took this one because there is something else I wanna talk about. Okay so all your girls with the single status. They don't want yall. So just change your status to desperate. xD Sorry if I'm sounding a bit rude, but It's just getting annoying because today I heard a couple girls say, "I need a boyfriend because I'm bored." I just wanted to slap them. Lol. So when I wore my little avatar and went to my "dads" house. Girls were stalking his. He had to kick them out of their yard. Block them and etc. It was a single girls fiasco. It was insane.  It doesn't bug me if you're going out with someone online THAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! Okay so it bugs me a bit.. But my "dad and mom" knew each other in rl. They broke up which caused a "divorce" But honestly I dont mind that you have a family on chit chat city. Or you wanna be with someone on chit chat city. For all you people out their. This is from me, "If you honestly like that person because of their personality then fine by me. But if you just like because their rich or you just want a boyfriend...THEN FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO. This post was supposed to change your mind about online dating. But I'm not the boss of you. Do whatever you want.

Puppy Dog Owner...GLITCHING OUT

I was getting my dog. When I see the dog owner walking through house. I've seen this alot...BUT I FINALLY GOT A PICTURE! I'm the small one..xD I like how when your wearing a small avatar, people come up to do you like, "Need a mom?" Like get outta my face. People these days. MOST people, not all. Oh wait..I just realized I'm one of those people that asks that... *face palm* 


Hey Guys! So I went on my other account and I decided to make a dance academy. CCCDA. Anyways still in construction. Feel free to make a contribution and make things for CCCDA like dance equipment. I made about 7 schools in my 4 years at CCC and this my first try at dance school. I remember making a vocal school, and high schools, etc. Good times. There is a good chance I wont be on for the whole month of July, (In the US time zone) due to vacation. If I come back with 5000 views. I will post a couple pictures of me and my vacation. ONLY 5000 VIEWS! This is like the only chance you guys will be able to see me. Like my face. My hideous face. Jk Its so pertyyyy. Jk Idrk. Just ABOUT 400 views to go. Good Luck. Don't even think about refreshing over and over again. .-. Oh yeah yesterday I got reported like twice for spamming. This is about my 8th report.... I hope I don't get banned! BTW Brittneyy owns CCCDA

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Chit Chat City (MATT WAS HERE)

Its been 4 years since I have joined CCC. Oh boy, it was way different than now. Different graphics and avatars.  Thank you Matt for never giving up on CCC. With all its bugs and all. Lets hope CCC has its 5th birthday! Happy Birthday Chit Chat City!!

Its crowded in here and Matt will be coming any minute now! I will post a picture when he is here!!